/* Theme Name: Ginger Ninja! v2 Description: The new Ginger Ninja! theme. Version: 1.0 Author: Donny Burnside Author URI: http://www.ginger-ninja.net/ */ /* Generic Styling */ body { background:url() repeat-x bottom center #000000; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:60%; /* Sets default font size to 10px */ color:#333333; } * { margin:0; padding:0; } img { border:0; } p { margin-bottom:1.75em; } a { text-decoration:none; color:#00AAEE; font-weight: bold; } a:hover { text-decoration:none; color:#00CCFF; } table {font-size: 9.5pt} table a { text-decoration:none; color:#00AAEE; } /* CSS TEST */ #pcm{display:none;} ul.pureCssMenu ul{display:none} ul.pureCssMenu li:hover>ul{display:block} ul.pureCssMenu ul{position: absolute;left:-1px;top:98%;} ul.pureCssMenu ul ul{position: absolute;left:98%;top:-2px;} ul.pureCssMenu,ul.pureCssMenu ul { margin:0px; list-style:none; padding:0px 3px 3px 0px; background-color:#333333; background-repeat:repeat; border-color:#AAAAAA; border-width:0px; border-style:solid; } ul.pureCssMenu table {border-collapse:collapse}ul.pureCssMenu { display:block; 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background-image:url(images/pumpkin.png); background-position:right center; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-right:30px;} ul.pureCssMenu li:hover>a>span{ background-image:url(images/pumpkin.png); } ul.pureCssMenu a:hover span{ _background-image:url(images/pumpkin.png)} ul.pureCssMenu ul span,ul.pureCssMenu a:hover table span{background-image:url(images/pumpkin.png)} ul.pureCssMenu ul li:hover > a span{ background-image:url(images/pumpkin.png);} ul.pureCssMenu table a:hover span,ul.pureCssMenu table a:hover a:hover span,ul.pureCssMenu table a:hover a:hover a:hover span{background-image:url(./images/images/pumpkin.png)} ul.pureCssMenu table a:hover table span,ul.pureCssMenu table a:hover a:hover table span{background-image:url(images/pumpkin.png)} /* Structure */ #wrapper { margin:0 auto; width:900px; background:#ffffff; font-size:1.20em; } #header { height:210px; background:url(images/hallowbanner.jpg) repeat-x; } #menu { height:35px; line-height:35px; background:url(images/bgmenu2.jpg) repeat-x; 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text-decoration: none; } a:hover.profile-button { background-position:-90px 0px; } /* Extra's */ #ad-top { width:480px; height:72px; background:url(images/bg-ad-top.png) no-repeat; padding:5px; } /* Battle-related */ div.status_frz { color: #0098d0; } div.status_brn { color: #d03600; } div.status_psn { color: #c900d0; } div.status_slp { color: #5dd000; } div.status_stn { color: #d3ae00; } div.status_cfs { color: #7a00d0; } div.status_spx { display: none; } div.status_sdx { display: none; } div.status_sax { display: none; } div.status_dex { display: none; } div.status_atx { display: none; } div.status_dly { display: none; } .forum td { padding: 5px; } .forumlight a { color: #00CCFF; } .forumlight a:hover { color:; } /* Table */ /* CSS - table design Copyright (c) 2005 Patryk Zawadzki Feel free to use */ table { color: #222222; } caption { -moz-border-radius: 8px; color: #fff; font-size: 1.5em; font-weight: bold; margin: 0 0 4px; padding: 1em; text-align: center; } td { padding: .5em .5em; 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width:250px; float: left; top: auto; position: relative; background-position:0px -50px; } #khbuttons4:hover { background-position:0px 0px; } #fortune { background:url("http://thesporkedken.com/adopt/templates/default/images/qbfortune.jpg") no-repeat; background position: center top; height:300px; width:450px; padding:px; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; float:right; position: absolute; font-size:200%; font-weight: bold; padding-left:50px; margin: 50 auto; } #scrolling { width: 200px; height: 250px; overflow: auto; } THIS IS HALLOWEEN MINIPETS


Character Profile

Owner: poke mattix
Dorm Link: Link
Status: Year 2 Student at Amityville Academy
Race: Monster
Description: Pokerus would be a great candidate for FA (fighters annonamous), as much of her life revolves around fighting and proving just how tough she can be. Appart from this she likes to play the drums, and helps out in a few clubs. Though under her tough apperance she has a soft spot for humans and weaker creatures and will avoid hurting them if she can. Her opinion of Hunters is mixed; some are good and out to protect humanity, others are assholes

Pokerus's Apex Pets

Apex Seapent

Pokerus's Inventory
Poor Pokerus doesn't own anything! :(

Pokerus's Achievements
Poor Pokerus doesn't seem to have led a very eventful life! :(