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Marosa Lachlann Tramaine Feyrath

Character Profile

Owner: Marosa
Dorm Link: Link
Status: Year 3 Student at Amityville Academy
Race: Demon
Description: Marosa doesn't like being what he is: a Gancanagh. Gancanagh faeries make the people they touch infatuated with them, and this often leads to an overabundance of emotion on the person they touch. He is still trying to learn how to deal with this, while attempting to remain a good guy and not turn out like his dark power-hungry father. He now can touch people without fear, and lets them know what's going on if he senses any infatuation from them.

Marosa Lachlann Tramaine Feyrath's Apex Pets

Apex Skycrag Serpent

Marosa Lachlann Tramaine Feyrath's Inventory
Poor Marosa Lachlann Tramaine Feyrath doesn't own anything! :(

Marosa Lachlann Tramaine Feyrath's Achievements
Poor Marosa Lachlann Tramaine Feyrath doesn't seem to have led a very eventful life! :(